5 on Friday

5 on Friday

Not that I need to tell any of you, but Target has such cute stuff lately. Especially the dollar spot gift bags. 
Brotherly love.
Remember on my last 5 for Friday I talked about wanting to get my hair done. My stylist was able to squeeze me in and I love it. I’m not to sure how I feel about the middle part but maybe it will grow on me. Now for my swollen pregnant nose to go back to normal. 
Jack is all smiles these days. Sometimes when I’m nursing him he’ll give me the biggest grin. Then he gets frazzled because he hasn’t quite learned you can’t smile and suck at the same time:)
This past weekend we traveled to St. Louis for my niece’s birthday. We went to the zoo, swam at the pool, and visited the City Museum. The kids had so much fun going down this big slide. Too bad when we left the museum we found out our car had been broken into:( Full post to come on that).
Happy Friday Friends!

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