5 on Friday

5 on Friday

Obviously I didn’t get this post done Friday night. I was in St. Louis for a conference and instead of blogging, my friend Alissa and I chatted in our pjs, had a drink (or two) on the club level of our hotel thanks to a room upgrade, and ate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. The conference was one of the best I’ve been to but I’m so not ready for Monday tomorrow.

Speaking of my friend Alissa, look what she got me as a thank you gift for hosting her engagement party. I might have jumped up and down like a 5 year old.
Last weekend was homecoming for the University of Missouri. We took the boys to their first MU basketball game and then went to the homecoming parade Saturday morning. My niece was in the parade as a flag girl, but she went by so fast I wasn’t able to snap a picture. 
Jack started rice cereal last week. He seems to like it so far and I can’t wait to start him on carrots in a few more weeks.
Homeland. No one at my work watches it and J gave up watching it during Season One so I have NO ONE to talk to about it. If you watch it, leave me a comment and let me know! I was a little worried that Season 3 wouldn’t be as good as the previous two, but each episode keeps getting better and better. I’m legit sad when an  episode is over and I have to wait another week for the next one.
I want to go shopping so bad. I haven’t really bought any new clothes since I had Jack and before then I wasn’t buying anything that I couldn’t wear while pregnant. I got a nice little bonus at work so I’m thinking I need to add some new items to my wardrobe. Until then, I might try to re-create some new looks with what I’ve already got. I love this idea of taking 9 things and making 9 different outfits!

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