I saw this meme the other day and didn’t know whether to laugh or scoff. As someone who posts my New Year’s Resolutions every year, it had me thinking, Do people really not care about my list? And the answer is, yes 🙂 Of course there are.
There will always be people who couldn’t care less about resolutions-mine, yours, and even their own. But then there’s is other other group (me included) who love to hear other about people’s goals. There’s something so special about the excitement and thought that goes into resolutions not to mention, one of your resolutions just might be something I could benefit from doing as well.
I know choosing a “word of the year” is all the rage but it’s not something I typically do. But thinking ahead to New Years Eve, when I’m reflecting and looking back on 2020, one word keeps popping into head. Intentional. I want 2020 to be a year of intention. I want to be intentional not only with the things I do or don’t do, but also in the things I say and think and consume. And to help me be more intentional in this new decade, here are the resolutions and goals I’ve set for the upcoming year. And don’t worry, if reading resolutions isn’t your thing, click that little x button and come back tomorrow. I promise not to be offended.
Personal Development & Growth
-Continue to do a daily gratitude journal (10 things each day)
-Read 60 books, 12 of them relating to personal development
-Only wear things I truly love and feel good in. Everything else goes
-Dig into the Bible more by doing 3 bible studies and finish reading the new testament (I’m about half way done)
-Start a podcast. This is something I’ve wanted to do for the past two years and I bet you’ll be pretty surprised by the topic.
Blog/Cortney & Co
-Post more consistently which for me, looks like 3 blog posts a week
-Secure 5 sponsorships with brands I already use and love
-Grow engagement across all platforms by 20%
-Spend 20 minutes each day connecting with others via social media (commenting on posts, responding to DMs, etc)
Health & Fitness
-Workout at least 3 times a week
-Lose 10 pounds by spring break vacation
-Participate in two 5k’s
-Track my food in My Fitness Pal at least 6 days a week
Family, Home, & Relationships
-Figure out a morning routine for the boys that actually works (this has been a struggle forever!)
-Be more diligent about praying and reading the Bible with the boys
-Try schedule blocking for things like laundry, social media time, cleaning, etc.
-Stop being annoyed with my kids for doing kid things (not super specific/measurable but I saw this Instagram and it really struck me)
Money & Finances
-Continue using Every Dollar to create our monthly budget and track spending at least twice a week
-Sign up for a travel reward credit card (of course paying it off each month)
-Start utilizing sinking fund envelopes to save for things like Christmas and vacations
-Continue to pay off debt including paying off J’s car