5 on Friday

5 on Friday

Linking up with the ladies for another 5 on Friday!
Lately all I can think about is how I want to have long hair again. Like really really bad. 
I try to avoid going to Walmart unless I have to so sometimes I miss out on cool things like this Huggies Clutch and Clean pouch. Unlike the hard refillable containers that always pop open on me causing the wipes to dry out, these zippered pouches stay shut and let you refill them by just unzipping the pouch and sticking new wipes in. And how cute are the designs?!
I made Iowa Girl Eats Strawberry Shortcake No Bake Treat Bars last week. My grocery store didn’t have dehydrated strawberries so I used a mixture of dried blueberries and cranberries. They turned out pretty good although next time I’d leave the dried fruit out all together 🙂
Easter weekend we pulled up all the weeds and dead leaves in our flower beds and put new mulch down. The project ended up taking waayy longer than expected and more mulch than we imagined (20 bags total). It was well worth it though and now that everything is starting to sprout it looks so much better.
This little guy is WALKING at 10 months old. And not just one step. Across rooms. The other night he pulled up on the table and then decided he wanted to take off walking across the living room. And he never stops which is why all my pictures of him lately are blurry. 
Have a fabulous weekend friends!


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