5 on Friday

5 on Friday

This 5 on Friday is going to be a little different and is devoted all to Ben since he’s turning the big 5 on Wednesday. 
Ben’s birthday kicks off tomorrow with a Lego themed party. This is the first year that the party isn’t at our house and it is so nice to not have to deep clean the house, make a thousand Pinterest crafts, and make a bunch of food. His party is at a local gymnastics place that has a big foam pit, rock climbing wall, and of course all the typical gym equipment like a balance beam and bars. After playing, we’ll head to the party room where we’ll have pizza, cake, and open presents. And they clean up!
When J and I first had Ben I felt like we were just babies ourselves. I think we’ve grown up just as much as Ben has over these last 5 years. 
I don’t think one day has gone by where he hasn’t said or done something that makes us laugh. He is so smart and wise beyond his years but also crazy. Wise and very crazy.
As much as we laugh every day, we also have many days where he tests our patience. He is one of the most spirited children I’ve ever met. He’s smart and loves to learn and ask a thousand questions. He can be hyper and loud and have very selective hearing at times, but he’s also extremely sweet and loving and sensitive. 
From the minute we brought Jack home he’s been the best big brother. And he has yet to ask if we can take him back to the hospital so I think we’re in the clear.


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