5 on Friday

5 on Friday

Happy Friday everyone! We’ve had tons of rain this week so I hope the weather cooperates for our beach vacation. Let’s get to it, shall we?
Yesterday Ben had a field trip with his school to the St. Louis Zoo. The rain held off until we left and we had a great time. Last year the zoo opened a new Sea Lion exhibit with one of those underwater tunnels where the animals swim over you. Such a neat view of these adorable animals!
I’ve been thinking about these Sweet Tea Lemonade Mojitos ever since Kristin over at Iowa Girl Eats posted the recipe. I think they would be great for the beach, don’t you?
Ben went to his first overnight church camp at the beginning of the week. It was only for one night and two days but I missed him like crazy. Of course he had tons of fun and didn’t miss us one bit. Ben’s cousin’s church puts on this camp every year and I think it’s so great they have something like this for the younger kids. Did I mention it was in the woods? I went to a church camp growing up but it wasn’t quite this rugged. 
I’ve never met a baby more obsessed with Mexican food, especially salsa. Watching him dip his chip in it is beyond funny. He doesn’t actually eat the chip he just licks the salsa off and then re-dips it. You obviously don’t want to be stuck having to share the salsa bowl with him.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!


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