5 on Friday

5 on Friday

Happy Friday Friends!
This week’s 5 is going to be a little different. Last night Ben graduated for preschool and it was the cutest thing ever. I may have cried several times. For today’s 5 on Friday I’m going to list my top 5 moments from the last 5 years with our little guy who is not so little anymore. In no particular order…
Ben did amazing throughout the entire ceremony! He smiled, sang, received his diploma, and even let me a take million photos afterwards without whining. I am so proud of him. And in case you need a cry, listen to the Bruno Mars song, 123. Then imagine a bunch of 5 year olds singing it. 
Birth Day.
I know he was this small, but yet I can’t believe it looking at him now.
The First Christmas.
So excited even though he had no idea what it was all about.
Playing Baseball. 
I’ve loved watching him become involved with sports and the growth he makes with each and every practice and game.
Becoming A Big Brother. 
There are no words to describe how I felt at this moment except complete and total overwhelming love.


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