Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday and first day of fall! Fall is the gateway to the best time of year.

Our weekend started great, got a little rocky, but we still managed to end on a pretty good note. Friday night Ben had a T-ball game and then his cousin spent the night with us. The kids woke up early on Saturday morning ready to do all the activities I had foolishly told them about ahead of time. Next time I’m telling them 30 seconds before we do something. 

One of my favorite things we did was make edible play-doh using peanut butter, honey, and powdered sugar. Jack played with it for about 20 seconds and then immediately shoved it in his mouth. Good thing it’s edible. 
We also played outside and baked cupcakes but then I decided to go to Urgent Care to get my leg looked at. I had a spot that kept getting worse throughout the week and by Saturday afternoon it was so painful I could barely take it. I thought I had been bitten by a spider but turns out it was just a bad infection. 
My MIL ended up picking up my niece since I was pretty useless the rest of the day.
Thankfully after a Vicodin, a couple of doses of antibiotics, and some sleep, I was feeling much better by Sunday. After lunch at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants and a follow up check-in with the Dr., the kids played with their water table for the rest of the day.
And I ended the weekend burning this candle and while I’m usually a Yankee or Bath & Body Works person, but this cheap candle from Walmart smells delicious!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I’m linking up with Biana.


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