Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Hello Monday, we meet again.

Jack’s been battling a nasty little cough and cold this week and after providing such loving care to him, he thanked me by sneezing, coughing, and just non-stop breathing in my face and now I have the lovely thing. My snot is still clear (tmi?) so I’ve just been taking otc meds and keeping Kleenex in business.

Anywho, despite my cold we headed to dinner at Texas Roadhouse Friday night where the cinnamon butter and multiple birthdays kept the kids occupied while waiting for our food. The man at the table next to us was celebrating his 70th birthday and after a little coaxing from his family and waitress he jumped right up on that saddle while the restaurant sang to him.

By the time we got home I was more than ready for bed and luckily Jack never turns down the opportunity to sleep in my bed so I used him as my excuse as to why I went to bed at literally 8:00 on a Friday night while the other boys stayed up like normal people.

 Saturday morning was spent cuddling with all the Olaf’s and watching our first real snow fall.

And although I had a list a mile long of things to do, Ben was dying to “play” Pokemon and although the rules were made up as we went, it was so great to sit and give him my undivided attention. He was so sweet and even let little brother play and little brother was sweet enough not to throw all the cards. I’m really trying to make time and give my undivided attention each day to the kids-especially Ben whose at an age where he is pretty independent. 
For lunch I made these sandwiches inspired by Lisa. I got the croissants from Walmart of all places and they were freakin delicious!! After lunch Ben helped me bake some homemade chocolate chip cookies which I’ll post the recipe for next week.

Not pictured was Saturday night’s delivery Chinese food which was the worst we’ve ever had. Why can’t our town have good Chinese?!? #firstworldproblems J and I watched some movies and I wasn’t in bed much later than Friday night.

Sunday was spent indoors as much as possible since the couple inches of snow also brought with it 10 degree temperatures. I managed to snap an outfit pic before we headed to lunch and I left out my poor red, chapped nose. You’re welcome.

//shirt-Banana Republic(old)//
I hope you all had a great weekend and an even better Monday!!
Linking up with Biana

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