• Goals & Resolutions

    A Fresh Start | 2018 Resolutions

    For the first time in several years I can’t say I’m sad to see a year end. 2017 was a doozy. It was honestly one of the most challenging years of my life. When I look back at my resolutions from last January, I left a lot unaccomplished. And that doesn’t feel great.

  • Bucket Lists,  Holidays

    Holiday Bucket List | 2017

    Tomorrow’s the first day of December and Christmas is a mere 25 days away. This time of year can be stressful and chaotic, but I’m determined to not let the craziness of the season get to me. I’m choosing to focus on joy and the magic of the season with some glasses of wine as needed 🙂 Here are a few things on our holiday bucket list for the next month.

  • Weekend Recap


    Happy Thanksgiving week! Unlike some weekends, this one didn’t seem to fly by which is always nice. It probably helps that I also took Friday off which made the weekend extra long.

  • 5 on Friday

    5 on Friday

    Between time change and a little sickness we just can’t seem to kick, I’m glad it’s Friday. I’m leaving Sunday afternoon for a quick overnight trip for work so I’m making the most of the short weekend. Here’s my 5 things from this week.