• Home Design & Decor

    Big Boy Room Inspiration

    We have yet to convert Ben’s crib to his big boy bed. I know, he’s two. He’s ready and perfectly capable of sleeping in a regular bed but we’re really lucky in the fact the he hasn’t/doesn’t try to climb out of his crib. I guess I’m putting it off because I know it will be hard the first couple of nights and honestly I just don’t trust that he won’t spring up from his bed at one in the morning and start playing with his trains. One thing that does ease my nerves about the big boy bed transition is the fact that with a big boy bed comes…

  • Weekend Recap

    Dinner and The Little Gym

    The other night a group from work went out to dinner for my co-worker Megan’s last day. It was a great dinner and a great way to send Megan off to her new job. The next night we took Ben to his first class at The Little Gym.  He had such a blast. He is in the “Little Beast” class. They do group songs and dances, play with bubbles, and try a few skill building activities. They also have free time where Ben is allowed to run around and play on the equipment. J and I were so proud of him. He had quite a few skills and did things…

  • Holidays

    Half a Tree

    Whenever I walk into a home or see a tree like this I immediately think, wow these people must not have an almost 2 year old because if they did their tree would look like this: Notice only the top half has decorations. This is what happens after you’ve picked up countless pieces of shattered ornaments and are too tired to keep saying, don’t touch, look with your eyes. I didn’t even attempt to put out presents. I can just picture Ben sitting in a heap of torn wrapping paper, playing with brand new toys, two weeks before Christmas. A fully decorated tree is overrated anyways.