• Life

    Most Powerful Images of 2011

    Buzzfeed.com recently released the 45 Most Powerful Images of 2011. Below are a few of my favorites.  Members of the national security team receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House on May 1. Phyllis Siegel, 76, left, and Connie Kopelov, 84, both of New York, embrace after becoming the first same-sex couple to get married at the Manhattan City Clerk’s office. A before and after shot of Joplin, Missouri after a massive tornado on May 22. A monstrous dust storm (Haboob) roared through Phoenix, Arizona in July. Slain Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson’s dog “Hawkeye” lies next to his casket during…

  • Life

    Nuggets of Wisdom

    Whether you agree with their politics or not, you’ve got to admit The Obama’s make a darn cute couple. Here are two of the First Lady’s refreshingly honest, not so secret “secrets” on being with POTUS. On marriage: “You have to really really like and respect the person you’re married too. It’s a hard road. Don’t expect it to be easy. Melding two lives together and trying to raise others and doing it forever is a recipe for disaster. There are highs and lows, but in the end if you can look him in the eye and say I like you, that’s the key. I stopped believing in love at…