• Goals & Resolutions

    Surviving the Polar Plunge

    I wanted to check in and let you know that I did indeed make it through the Polar Plunge. And I even went all the way under. In all honesty, it wasn’t as bad as I expected and the anticipation was almost worse than actually doing it.  All the action shots are on my sister’s camera, so I’ll post those when I get them. Here is a pic of my friend and I before we went in. There were over 400 people that participated this year and I think almost $75,000 was raised for the Special Olympics.

  • Kids

    Blessing Bags (Teaching Your Child to Give Back)

    There are a lot of things I wish for my children. At the top of that list is that they are loving, compassionate, and kind human beings. It’s important to me that they understand what a wonderful and privileged life they have and that not everyone lives like we do. It’s never too early to teach your children to think about others and how they can give back. When Ben started whining about Disney World and why we couldn’t go back every year, I explained to him that some kids never get the chance to go. In his innocent 4 year old little mind, he just couldn’t comprehend why that was.…