• Life

    Blogger Christmas Swap Link Up

    When Kasey announced that she would be hosting a Christmas blog swap I immediately knew I wanted in. I was a lot little hesitant since I’d only done one other swap and it was a complete and total fail. It was a fall favorite things swap and I packed a box full of all my favorite fall items and shipped them off to my blog partner. It turns out the blogger didn’t even end up getting my gift because she had sent me the wrong address??? I also never received my box from her. When I emailed her about it she said she didn’t know what happened and somehow couldn’t find a…

  • Life

    The Sunshine Award

    Back in October, Kate nominated me for the Sunshine Award.  The Rules  1. Include the award logo in your post 2. Link to the person who nominated you 3. Answer 10 questions about yourself 4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award 5. Post 10 questions to your nominees *Don’t forget to let the bloggers know you nominated them Here are Kate’s questions to me: 1. What made you decide to start blogging? And how long have you been at it? After reading lots of other blogs, I decided to start my own in 2010 as a way to document our lives. I’m so glad I have the big and not so…

  • Life

    The Liebster Award

    Well what do you know? Madison over at Newly Made Momma nominated my little blog for the Liebster Award which is an award given by peers to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. Thank you so much Madison for nominating me. Make sure you check out Madison’s blog to see ADORABLE pictures of her new baby girl! The rules of the award are: 1. Link back to the person who nominated you 2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the nominator 3. Choose 11 bloggers, each with under 200 followers and nominate them for the award 4. Come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer 5. Contact…

  • Life

    Not So Cute

    10 Not so Cute Things About Me: 1. I’m really bad about returning phone calls and texts. Like really really bad. 2. I tend to interrupt people. 3. I’m overly sensitive and cry way too much. 4. I don’t always follow through on things I say I’m going to do. 5. I loose touch with friends who have moved away (see #1) 6. I don’t save nearly as much as I should. 7. I don’t like reading blogs where the author is really ugly. Judge away. 8. Growing up I would cry if I didn’t get my way or something I wanted…sometimes I still do (see # 3) 9. I’m not…

  • Life

    The $5 disaster

    The other day as I was trying to upload pictures for a post a message popped up that I had used my 1GB of free space. In order to continue to add pics to this little blog I would need to purchase more space. The cost of 20 more GB was a measly little $5. Hmmm…I wonder if instead of paying the $5 I could just delete the photos from my google web album. After all, they are already on my blog. The.dumbest.thought.ever. Turns out it doesn’t work like that. When I hit delete I wasn’t really erasing the pics from my web album but from Google’s server. And there is no…