A couple of weekends ago we celebrated J turning the big 3-0. We had dinner and drinks with friends and being the wild couple we are these days, I think we were home and in bed by 11:30. We also celebrated with a bbq at my parent’s house. Every year I get J a cake from a local bakery and this year it was double chocolate. On J’s actual birthday we celebrated with his parents and brother. J opted to go to Chuck E. Cheese so he and Ben acould play. He figured it would be something fun for all the kids to do since we had been having grown…
Quick Trip to Downtown Disney
While watching the space shuttle launch was our main reason to go to Florida, we also visited Downtown Disney which resembles a huge boardwalk with shops, restaurants, and lots of fun activities for kids. We rode this Peter Pan inspired balloon ride which went 400 ft up into the air. Downtown Disney also has an enormous Lego shop and Ben loved building with the duplos.
The End of the Space Shuttle
On July 8, 2011 we watched space shuttle Atlantis take off from the Kennedy Space Center which marked the end of the manned space shuttle program. It was soo hot that day. We watched the launch with a hundred thousand of our closet friends. We were on the beach in Titusville just across the water from the Space Center. See the dock in the background? Those are all people crammed onto the dock. After the launch we headed over to the space center. Part 2 of our Florida adventure coming to the blog tomorrow!
Happy 30th, J!
via A very happy birthday to J today. Even at 30 he still looks 18. Which is kind of annoying 🙂 Ben and I love you more than you know!
4th of July Recap 2011
Our 4th technically started on the 3rd with a bbq at my parent’s house. Don’t let these two fool you. They were far from sleeping. I was pretty pleased with how my cake turned out although it could have used a little more frosting. That night we shot off some small fireworks. The snap dragons were the biggest hit. On the actual 4th we went up to J’s parent’s house where Ben was gifted with a brand new swing set. And a little look back…