I was going to do a post about J and I adjusting back to the real world from after the wedding and honeymoon. A post about how we both have been feeling a little down now that the excitement over the wedding is over. I was going to post this until I got on Facebook and learned that a lady in our church who I had grown up with and whose kids I hung out with passed away this morning in a car accident. Our post wedding blues don’t seem like such a big deal after all. This women was an amazing mother and grandma. 12 hours ago she was posting…
We’re Back and We’re Married!
J and I got back late Monday night and although we had an amazing time, we were more than excited to be back home and reunited with the little man. I may have shed several a few tears. Updates on all the wedding festivities and the honeymoon coming soon!
May Goals
It’s no surprise I love to do-lists. I also like the idea of setting monthly goals for things I’d like to accomplish this month. This month: -Get serious about our house hunting -Complete our wedding scrapbook -Frame engagement and wedding pictures -Get new bedding for master bedroom -Send out thank you notes from the wedding -Watch the 5 Year Engagement -Finalize Disney vacation for October -Make necklace holder -Blog makeover -Read 2 books What things do hope to accomplish this month?
Skinnygirl Review
My good friend, Mrs. Bojangles got me a bottle of Skinnygirl Margarita and some beautiful margarita glasses for my wedding shower. I was so excited to get home, chill the bottle, and drink up. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Bethany Frankel. Are there times when she can be overly annoying? Yes. But ya gotta give it to the girl to air her life on t.v. especially the fights with her husband. When I heard she sold her Skinnygirl brand of drinks to Jim Beam for upwards of 50 million dollars I thought this shiz has to be good. So needless to say I was more than disappointed that I couldn’t…
Marry, Makeout, Muzzle
Cassie over at Hi Sugarplum did this fun little game last week and being that I don’t want to turn down an opportunity to talk about hot guys, here’s mine. Marry: Bill Rancic Does he not seem like the nicest guy? It also doesn’t hurt that he’s hardworking, funny, and good on the eyes. Giuliana and him are so cute and I am so happy for them to finally be having a baby!!! Makeout: Ryan Reynolds Need I say more? Although it was a tough pick between the two Ryans. Muzzle: Joe Guidice Everything about this guy is just ughhhh. He’s rude, cocky, and not the brightest bulb in the bunch. The way he…