Before making this recipe for chicken salad sandwich, I would never ever eat them. Something about canned chicken, that smelled like tuna…I just couldn’t. But this chicken salad sandwich is quite possible one of my top 5 favorite foods. It’s that good. This recipe comes from my best friend’s granny whose name was, you guessed it, Betty. I asked granny for her recipe and you can imagine my hesitation when she replied with directions that included “Oh a little of this and a little of that.” I need measurements Betty! Although I was able to nail down the exact ingredients, the exact measurements are still a secret, but lucky for all…
Blessing Bags (Teaching Your Child to Give Back)
There are a lot of things I wish for my children. At the top of that list is that they are loving, compassionate, and kind human beings. It’s important to me that they understand what a wonderful and privileged life they have and that not everyone lives like we do. It’s never too early to teach your children to think about others and how they can give back. When Ben started whining about Disney World and why we couldn’t go back every year, I explained to him that some kids never get the chance to go. In his innocent 4 year old little mind, he just couldn’t comprehend why that was.…
5 on Friday
I missed 5 on Friday last week and I’m so glad to be back! One. I got my hair done last week and went darker and shorter. J loves it, I love it, and it is so much easier and faster to style. Two. This picture makes me SO happy. Ben is such a great big brother! Three. A few weekends ago we went a pumpkin patch and took the obligatory fall family photo. I can’t wait to go again next year and see just how much the boys will have changed. Four. It doesn’t get much better than a sleeping baby in footy pajamas. Five. I just can’t deal…
Jack: 4 Month Update
My sweet Jack. Monday you turned 4 months old. Before I know it you will be 6 months, then a year, and then I’ll be doing a big ugly cry in the corner. This month brought with it your first little illness and sick visit to the doctor. You broke out in a rash/bumps on your body, but after a dose of antibiotics and a switch to Aveeno baby products your skin cleared right up! At the doctor’s visit you weighed 13.4 pounds which is up 3 pounds since your last weigh in! We will know your official 4 month weight at your well child check up next week. You’re…
Fall Staples
I found this cute clothing checklist, but of course I can’t remember where. This is such a great idea for anyone looking for classics or to build their wardrobe. I have a lot of these essentials but still need a few things like a trench coat, straw hat, and a colorful skinny belt. I also don’t have a black bikini or cotton mini, but let’s face it, 3 months after having a baby is not the time to be adding these to my closet. What do you need to complete your classic essentials?