
5 Years.

Our wild, smart, funny, lovable Ben. Today you are 5 years old. I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since you completely changed our lives. 
This past year you’ve grown and changed so much. You still love to learn and ask all the questions. You excel at writing, coloring, and drawing and you love art and doing projects. There is always several pieces of art in your cubby when I pick you up from school. You are starting to read sight words, and can count well past 100 although you mysteriously manage to leave a whole section out when playing hide and seek 🙂
I know how excited you are for Kindergarten and you told us you’re most looking forward to not having to take naps.
You’re a great sleeper and have only woken up once to Jack crying in the middle of the night. You’re also a pretty good eater and you LOVE to be active and outside. You have more energy than any one person should have, but I wouldn’t trade your spazzy little self for anything!
You often say things that someone 2 or 3 times your age would say and you do it so matter of fact. 
I know I’ve said it a million times, but you’re such a great brother. You are very protective and within seconds of Jack crying, you’re running to comfort him. 
Happy Happy Birthday Big Boy! We love you.

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