• Kids

    Jack: 16 Month Update

    Although I’m no longer doing monthly recaps for Jack, I still want to document a few things that he’s been doing lately. Especially since we all know I haven’t even started his baby book yet. Second kid problems.  SLEEPING: I think the last time I posted about Jack’s sleeping habits we were getting ready to start sleep training using the Ferber method. In short, we followed the schedule listed in his book which is a mix between CIO and comforting the baby when they cry. After 2 nights, Jack was sleeping through the night and the only thing I regret is that we didn’t do it sooner. Every now and…

  • Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    Another Monday is here and it seems like Sunday didn’t even happen. I know every weekend seems to fly by, but yesterday was over in the blink of an eye. My weekend started on Friday since I took the day off work and headed to St. Louis to do a little shopping for some of the things I mentioned here. I got a few goodies from Forever 21 including that gorgeous plaid scarf.  We don’t have a California Pizza kitchen in our town and I am obsessed with their Thai Chicken pizza. When I got back in town I didn’t feel like cooking which meant Mexican food for dinner. Big brother…

  • 5 on Friday

    5 on Friday

    I missed the first Five on Friday since it’s return, but this week I’m back and ready to share. One. I finally got my fall decorations out. I don’t why I was dreading buying mums but I was. Is that weird? I got this HUGE one at Walmart of all places for $5! It was originally $9.98, but as I was leaving the garden center the manager said to make sure it rings up half off since it’s already bloomed. Say what?  Two. I also got the 2 giant pumpkins above at Walmart as well. As much as I love pumpkin patches, it’s just not realistic for us right now…

  • Style + Beauty

    Thoughts on Thursday: Fall Clothing

    When I say need, I mean need in the first-world sense of the word. Last fall I was 3 months postpartum and I was just happy to be wearing something other than maternity clothes. Since then I’ve bought a few things here and there but I’m pretty burnt out on my current wardrobe. We’re still saving for our new house and a few trips we have planned so a full on shopping extravaganza isn’t in the cards. However, this weekend I plan on picking up a few things that I can mix into my closet. On the top of my list? Cardigans in all the great fall colors. I’ve been…

  • Recipes

    The Moistest Chocolate Cake Ever

    First off, I’m sorry to use the word moist. I know a lot of people can’t stand that word so if that’s you, I’m sorry.  The truth is, I’m not much of a chocolate cake person (I prefer vanilla), but my husband loves it so every once in a while I like to be nice and make this for him.  What You Need: -1 box chocolate cake mix -1 container of frosting -1 cup sour cream -1 4oz box of chocolate instant pudding(3.9 oz to be exact) -1/2 cup water -1/2 cup vegetable oil -4 eggs -2 round cake pans What To Do: 1. Preheat the oven to 350F degrees.…