• Travel

    Two Days in Des Moines | Our Experience at the Jr. Olympics

    When Ben first told us he wanted to do track we thought, why not? He likes to run and has endless energy so it seemed like the perfect fit. If you would have told us that he would end up qualifying for the Junior Olympics his first year I would have called you a liar 🙂 Ben worked hard this season. Along with his team, he practiced three days a week from April-August in freezing temperatures, rain, and scorching heat. Even if he hadn’t made it to the Jr. Olympics, the hard work and effort he put into this sport made us proud.

  • Recipes

    Fresh & Sweet Strawberry Ice Cream

    Well it only took me two years, but I finally used my KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker. I don’t know why I was so intimated by it. If I would have known how easy it was to use, I would have made ice cream a long time ago. Speaking of easy, this recipe couldn’t be more simple and you’ll be shocked by the quality and taste of the ice cream. Everyone in my house agreed it was way better than any strawberry ice cream you can buy at the store.

  • Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    This weekend was the perfect mix of family time, relaxation, and lots of productivity. We spent Friday night at the pool followed by a visit to our favorite snow cone place. Pool + snow cones has been our regular Friday night routine all summer and I’m sad that it’s coming to an end. We all slept in Saturday morning and the boys played so peacefully that I was able to relax and finish my book. If you love Bravo or any of the Real Housewives shows, you’ll love The Favorite Sister. Saturday afternoon I took my niece back to school shopping for some clothes followed by a trip to the…

  • 5 on Friday

    5 on Friday

    Happy Friday! This week has seemed extra long so I’m excited for a weekend at home and squeezing in as many trips to the pool as we can before Labor Day.

  • Life

    Life Update + Weekend Recap

    Hello and happy August! Things have been pretty quiet over here on the blog. I’ve been soaking up all things Summer so new posts were on hold for a bit. Although it was a nice little break, I’m excited to be back with an update on what we’ve been up to.