

I was going to do a post about J and I adjusting back to the real world from after the wedding and honeymoon. A post about how we both have been feeling a little down now that the excitement over the wedding is over. I was going to post this until I got on Facebook and learned that a lady in our church who I had grown up with and whose kids I hung out with passed away this morning in a car accident. Our post wedding blues don’t seem like such a big deal after all.
This women was an amazing mother and grandma. 12 hours ago she was posting pictures of her grandchildren on Facebook. I guarantee 12 hours ago she couldn’t have anticipated what was going to happen.
She was at Ben’s baby shower and rocked him in church. She was at my bridal shower and our wedding. Less than 2 weeks ago I hugged her and thanked her for sharing in our day with us. And now her family is dealing with the loss of a mom and grandma.
I pray that her family will find peace and comfort during this time. I pray that her death is a constant reminder to all of us that we are not guaranteed tomorrow. I know I will hug Ben and J extra tight tonight.

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