
Embrace the Busyness

Jennifer over at Life in the Green House wrote a great blog post yesterday about being busy during this time of year and it really resonated with me. 
You would be hard pressed to find a lot of people who aren’t busy during this time of the year, including us. We have something on the calendar every weekend from now until Christmas. Dinners, cookie making, visits with friends, and seeing Santa. All things that make this season so special.
Like Jennifer, I’m choosing to embrace the business during this season of our life. Ben will only want to sit on Santa’s lap for so long and baking cookies with his mom and cousins won’t be cool forever. So at this time in our lives, we will plan to do it all. And do it with a thankful heart. 
This Summer we didn’t get to do a whole lot. We didn’t go to the pool every weekend and Ben missed swim lessons that I had signed him up for when pre-baby me thought I would still take him even with a 2 week old. Ha! We watched movies more times than we played outside. I know next Summer will be a completely different season of life and I’m sure it will be filled with trips to the pool, Slip-n-Slides, and those dang swim lessons.
We all face lots of different seasons. A newborn waking up every two hours, a four year old needing me to lay with him until he falls asleep, the excitement of moving into a first house, and the death of people we love. With the joy and memories also come struggles and hurdles, but instead of wishing for these times to pass, I’m choosing to be present. To make memories while I still can. I’m going to fill our calendar with the things that matter and embrace the busyness. 

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