Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

This weekend recap is going to be short and sweet as most of the weekend was spent celebrating our friend’s wedding. The bride looked beautiful, the groom was as handsome as ever, and Ben was a rock star ring bearer. 
Getting pampered before the big day//Ben striking his model pose before the rehearsal 
His gift from the couple (Legos) which he put together during the rehearsal dinner//Bridesmaid selfie before bed

The beautiful bride//Bride+iphone+ring bearer & flower girl
Ladies lock your daughters up//Love him
The bride’s sister and I on the party bus//Lindsey, another bridesmaid, who also happens to be one of the dr.’s who delivered Jack
My gal & Ben’s gf Sydney//The hubs and I
I was a little nervous with how Ben would do, not so much walking down the isle, but with all the waiting, pictures, etc. He did AMAZING and was so well behaved. J was also a huge help with keeping him occupied and just being a great dad all together:)
We ended the weekend catching up on things around the house and the boys playing outside. J power washed the deck and the boys ran around as if it were summer again…because it pretty much was. Temperatures reached almost 90 degrees and as much as I wanted to put out the fall decorations, I refuse to do so when it’s that hot out.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Linking up with Biana


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